HELD HOSTAGE guitarist and lead vocalist Tom Collier Interviewed

How did you first get in to music?

Growing Up my mother always listened to music. Who turned you onto rock/metal? as long as I can remember I always loved Rock/Metal. I would have to say childhood friends who shared the same love music. Driving around in cars partying listening to Rock

How did you become a guitarist and are you proficient in any other instruments?

I always loved watching and listening to guitarist so I Bought a guitar and taught myself to play. I also Play Drums, Bass Guitar, and Lead Vocals.

What was the local scene in New York like in the beginning, was there a particular band you aspired to be like, favorite local bands back then, favorite local bands now?

The music scene back in the 80s was much different. We were making great money and probably one of the few bands who did our own music and no cover songs. We created a great following for our music and sold cassette tapes and t shirts at our show. I would say one of the bands that inspired me was the Rods. I use to go see them live in clubs and bars. The Rods are still one of my favorites and to have Carl Canedy produce my new CD was an amazing experience.

Has there been times when drugs and alcohol were beneficial to the band?

Actually just the opposite . I had to fire many band members over drugs and alcohol. We all love to party but when you are performing on stage in front of thousands of people you need to be sober and strong. I get high off the music..

How would you best describe your sound?

It is hard to describe us because of the diversity of my music but if I had too. I would describe Held Hostage as ACDC Meets Def Leppard

Is doing pre-sales the same thing as pay to play?

I refuse to do pre-sale or pay for play. Yes they are both the same things in my view.

What was the first music you bought and what have you bought more than once?

Since I am old.. LOL I would think the first music I bought was probably Three Dog Night,  Jeremiah was a Bull Frog on a 45. The music I have bought more then once would be Ted Nugent.

DIY forever or signing with a label at first opportunity?

I have been contacted by record labels recently. I am currently not seeking a record deal. I would entertain the right deal or distribution deal

Whats the biggest show you have played so far and do you still get nervous before a gig?

In my career I would think back in the 80s playing the New York State fair in front of 25,000 people. Since my return playing NYC with Ross the Boss band and last week playing outdoor concert, doing direct support for Molly Hatchet were both great gigs. I really dont get nervous I love to perform live.

Is commercial rock radio dead?

I think that commercial radio will come back not to the level of the 80s but I think you will start hearing more and more independent Stations going out and playing Rock

Favorite songs on the latest EP and why?

Show me the way Back Home . I wrote it to help heal soldiers and people who have been through traumatic times in their lives.

Out of all your songs which one touches you the most when you perform it?

Their are two songs that touch me when we play them live. Show Me the Way back home and the Fallen Brothers a song I wrote for all the members that have passed away over the 3 decades of Held Hostage.

Are there any political or social issues hidden in Held Hostage songs?

Yes we do have some hidden Political views in our songs and the new CD ( We are in pre-production with) has some hidden political views in it.

What was the process of putting the songs in order?

The way I select them is I like to build to a climax in song orders. I have done that live for years. when we are in concert by the end of the show the crowd has been brought up and down with the music by implementing dynamics and then blown away.

What endorsements do you have and what endorsements do you still want?

Currently no endorsements, If I was seeking endorsements I would have to say Marshall amps . I have used Marshall’s forever.

Bands you would love to tour with and musician or artist you would like to meet and interrogate?

I would have to say the Motor City Madman Ted Nugent. He has been a favorite for many years.

Song to be played at your funeral and 3 albums to take to your grave?

Held Hostage Fallen Brothers, Three Albums to the Grave; Black Sabbath Heaven Hell , Ted Nugent Double Live Gonzo, and The Rods Wild Dogs,

Final thoughts, shout outs, dirty jokes?

Since making the decision to bring back Held Hostage after raising my son as single father . I would have to say seeing the fans singing my new and old songs and looking out and seeing my son in the crowd as grown man is the most rewarding experience of my life.

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